Friday, June 19, 2009

Politics and the Cox Family

I was thinking about my mom and dad this morning... What great Americans they were. Mom worked the elections for years upon years, and daddy talked about the politicians... when I say that mom worked the elections, I mean she did everything. You hear about the rolls, well mom took care of the rolls, adding new voters and taking off the rolls people that moved. These were actual rolls of paper. She also hand counted the votes after the elections and delivered the votes to Taylorville to the court house after the elections. Mom was very dedicated and loved doing this important work. Daddy would talk to me while we were hunting and fishing about elected officials, judges and other important people. Daddy would tell me how some laws were written to benefit organized crime and how his dad (William) was very involved with Washington and the Republican party. Both Mom and Daddy knew the importance of supporting our political system by being involved.

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