Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Uncle Bill

This picture was take around 1961.

The earliest memories I have of Uncle Bill were from the time he was going to College to become a Chiropractor. Uncle Bill would come to our house and spend the summers and stay in the little room off the kitchen. Mom and Daddy would have discussion on how to help Uncle Bill during his stays with us. Helping her brother made mom very happy

I remember him building his first office in Edinburg. It was across the street from his last office in Edinburg. I remember going over there with Daddy and him and them building the different rooms. Uncle Bill would put quarters on the floor for me to find . . . I thought that I was rich. A quarter was a lot back then. Funny how the little things like that stick with a kid.

I remember all the Thanksgivings at Uncle Bills and Aunt Jan’s house in Edinburg. I thought that the house was huge and they had that little pool table. I think they called it Bumper pool. All of us spent hours playing pool. There were a whole lot of years of fun.

Uncle Bill used to come over to the house, Daddy would get the kitchen chairs out, line them up, and then Uncle Bill would adjust us, and then Daddy would adjust Uncle Bill. There were adjustments that Uncle Bill taught Daddy. I always thought that watching Daddy adjust Uncle Bill was neat.

I remember mom always being concerned about Uncle Bill. She did love her brother very much.

I remember going over to Uncle Bills office and reading his medical book. It was then that I understood how difficult it was to become a Chiropractor. I really didn’t understand that Uncle Bill had to know what a medical Doctor knew about the body.

During my senior year in high school, I had a friend that was having some medical issues and did not want to go to his mom and day about it. I recommended that he call Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill got him to talk to his parents and also took care of his medical issue. It was a minor issue, but a major thing for a teenager. I remember him telling me how understanding Uncle Bill was and that he was surprised that Uncle Bill knew exactly what was wrong and how to fix the problem.

A couple of years ago, Vicky and I stopped to eat in Bloomington. The waitress asked where we were from, we said Sherman, but I had to tell her that I grew up in God’s Country (Edinburg). She said that she grew up in Stonington and that her whole family used to go to Edinburg to see Doc Durham . . . I told her that Doc Durham was my Uncle. She then told us this story. When she was young, her mom had a baby boy and the boy was not doing well after the delivery and was not expected to live. The Doctors had given up . . . but her mom asked if they could have Uncle Bill come and see the baby. Surprisingly, the Doctors and Hospital said yes. She does not know what Uncle Bill did, but he came in, worked on the little boy and left. Almost immediately the baby got better and survived. Years later her bother again got sick. Doctors had given up hope. Her mom again asked Uncle Bill to come to the hospital and again the young man got better and was doing fine. An amazing story. Think of the thousands of stories that people could share about Uncle Bill and how he helped them during extreme difficulties.

I have more to write about Uncle Bill, but that will come with a later Blog.

1 comment:

David Durham said...


That was a great article about Dad. Thanks for writing that.
