Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blessed Money

Malachi makes it clear that the tithe already belongs to God.
In Psalm 24 David declares “ The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains.

The Bible makes it clear, He owns it all. We are stewards or managers of the things that God has intrusted to us.

Giving God what already belongs to Him is not so much an act of stewardship; it simply keeps us from being a thief.

In Malachi 3:11 God promises to rebuke the devourer.

Pastor Mark has taught us that God does not need our money he needs our obedience. The tithe severs as a testimony that we believe that God owns both the spiritual and material things within our lives.

In Hebrew, the word tithe is maaser and in the Greek it is dekate. The Literal meaning of both words is tenth.

Stewardship begins with tithing but continues with the remaining 90 percent. The 90 percent actually belongs to God as well, because we belong to God and He created everything.

A few weeks ago Vicky and I were watching IWORSHIP before going to Church and Pastor Hansen was preaching on Blessed Money. This is a very powerful concept.

Simply, Blessed Money is the 90% that is left over after the Tithe. If we Tithe and if we are good Stewards of what God has given us, then the remaining 90% is blessed.

Offerings are anything that you give in addition to your Tithe, such as gifts for special projects, the church building funds, missions, etc. If you give to missions and do not Tithe, then your money is not blessed.

Vicky and I believe that everything that we do with the remaining 90% is blessed money and that concept has opened up a whole new understanding of God’s commandment to Tithe and what we do with that 90%.


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