Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sinbad Was Really Mom's Dog

Not sure what year we got Sinbad, but it had to be in the late 50s to the early 60s. Sinbad was a Cocker Spaniel. He was the son of Harold and Joyce Edward's dog. I believe that her name was Lady. When we brought him home to see if we could keep him, we made all the promises that kids make, like we will feed him and keep him clean. Well that lasted for awhile, but then mom took over the job of taking care of Sinbad. I named Sinbad after the movie that I had seen (The 7th Voyage of Sinbad) . I liked the name. Sinbad was a good dog. He liked us and we liked him. I think the biggest plus was that mom loved him. Sinbad was a inside/outside dog, he came and went as he wished. He used to lay on the floor by the side door in the kitchen. He also like to lay on the cool concrete on the porch in the summer time. Sinbad followed us kids around all over Edinburg. He would go fishing with me and I would take him hunting sometimes. I didn't like taking him hunting because his fur would get all tangled from the stickers bushes. He would go with us up to the old grad school to play (the one that is not there any more)
I remember coming over to mom and daddy for some reason and mom being really upset that Sinbad was sick. Daddy told me that we needed to take him to the vet. After mom had said her goodbyes to Sinbad we headed to Tylorville to the vets office. On the way to the Vet, daddy told me that Sinbad would not be coming home with us. Daddy said that Sinbad's kidneys were shutting down and that he was in a lot of pain. I remember holding Sinbad on the long trip to Taylorville. The Vet told us that his kidneys had shut down and there was nothing he could do. The doctor letting us stay in the room while he gave him the shot.. It didn't take long and he was gone. I do regret that we left Sinbad their for them to dispose of the body. We should have taken him home and buried him in the back yard. When we got home mom was really upset and cried a lot... she really loved Sinbad... Sinbad was very good for the Cox family and for mom.
From Bonnie - Sinbad always came to our house to visit when Mom and Dad would go on vacation. I would hear something at the front door and he would standing there. I'd invite him in and give him lots of hugs and then he would lay down and nap for awhile.

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