Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Boy Scouts

I really enjoyed Boy Scouts as a kid. I waited to get into Boy Scouts because I didn’t like the Scout Master, who I thought was just mean. In reality he was probably was ok, it was his boys who were mean. The year he quit was the last year that they had a major trip for Scouts in Edinburg. They went to Canada that year. Well, Harold Edwards, who lived across the street from us took over, and his two boys Gary and Curt were also going to be in Scouts. The first couple of years was just getting to know the handbook and have fun. For some reason Harold wanted me to learn how to do the planning for the camp outs. Harold would walk me through the process of identifying what we needed and make check-off lists so that I would not forget anything.

How many days would we be gone
How may boy and adults would be going
What the menu would be each day
How much water we would need
How many tents, Supplies , Cooking utensils
The list seemed to go on and on.

Harold would then teach me how much food to expect each person to consume by meal, and then to add all that up for the finial shopping list. We also had a budget to follow, so there was lots of hot dogs and hamburgers on the menu. I would then go to the store with him and help him get all the supplies. This was a great learning experience for me.

All the boy scout tents and camping material was store at the refreshment stand over at the high school diamond.

Most of the camp outs were at Star Bridge going out to Lake Sangchris, not to far from that great big pile of stones that was from when they replaced the old bridge.

Boy Scouts was great.. There are a lot of stories about Boy Scouts.

My Experience with the Secret Service.
Sneaking into town.
The running nose and breakfast.
Bob Lebshire - New Scout Master.

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